I can't believe it's almost the end of October! I feel like we just started school! This year is just cruising on by! :)
Word of Week (WOW): At
# of Week: 9
Letter of Week: I
Books: The Disappearing Moon
Upcoming dates:
10/22/14: TRAILS goes to Book Fair: students may bring $ to buy a book on that day
10/22/14: Pickup is from 3-4:30 in the south gym
10/23/14: 11:35 Dismissal, 4:00-8:00 Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/24/14: No School, 9:00-1:00 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Red ribbon week is 10/27-10/31
10/27/14: WEAR RED
10/28/14: Sunglasses "Too bright for making bad choices"
10/29/14: Crazy sock day "Sock it to making bad choices"
10/30/14: Team day "Teaming up against making bad choices"
10/31/14: Halloween- please bring in a non-perishable food item (if you are able to) in order to dress up
- As the weather gets cooler, please make sure your child is dressed properly
- Please review the district's policy on illness. If your child is sick or not feeling well, please keep them home.
- Review flash cards
- Make sure hw, books, and notebooks come back to school each day
- Practice skip counting by 2’s (for the students this applies to)
- Tuesday is Library day
- Give your child jobs to do at home
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