I hope everyone has a safe and warm Halloween! Don't eat too much candy! :)
Word of Week (WOW): Get
# of Week: 11
Letter of Week: K
Books: The Cinnamon Bun Mystery
Upcoming dates:
11/4/14: Trip to the Brookfield Zoo with 4th Grade
11/11/14: Veterans Day-No School
11/12/14: Early Dismissal
11/14/14: Scholastic Book orders due
11/26/14-11/30/14: Thanksgiving Break….School resumes 12/1/14
- Dress properly for cooler weather
- Please review the district's policy on illness. If your child is sick or not feeling well, please keep them home.
- Review math/reading flash cards
- Make sure hw, books, and notebooks come back to school each day
- Tuesday is Library day
- Give your child jobs to do at home