Friday, May 30, 2014

End of the year

It's hard to believe the 2013-2014 school year is almost over!  It's been a busy year in the TRAILS program and I'm very proud of all the students have accomplished this year.  I'm sad to be sending one student to the STEPS program, but he'll have a great time at the MS.  I'm also excited to welcome a new student to the TRAILS program in the fall.

Next week reminders:
  • June 2: Olympic Day, we will be outside (weather permitting) ALL day, you may want to send sunscreen (with a note), hats, and/or sunglasses
  • June 3: PBS event, Make-over Day: students need to come with WASHED and CLEAN hair
  • June 4: Talent show day, 11:35 dismissal
Summer homework:
  • Read, read, read
  • Have the students count money with/for you at the store or a restaurant
  • Have the kids help around the house: vacuuming, laundry, dishes, cleaning tables, taking out garbage, feeding pets, etc.
  • Get out and enjoy the outdoors: swimming, biking, running, playing at the park

Enjoy your summer break and I'll see most of you in August! :)

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