Friday, May 30, 2014

End of the year

It's hard to believe the 2013-2014 school year is almost over!  It's been a busy year in the TRAILS program and I'm very proud of all the students have accomplished this year.  I'm sad to be sending one student to the STEPS program, but he'll have a great time at the MS.  I'm also excited to welcome a new student to the TRAILS program in the fall.

Next week reminders:
  • June 2: Olympic Day, we will be outside (weather permitting) ALL day, you may want to send sunscreen (with a note), hats, and/or sunglasses
  • June 3: PBS event, Make-over Day: students need to come with WASHED and CLEAN hair
  • June 4: Talent show day, 11:35 dismissal
Summer homework:
  • Read, read, read
  • Have the students count money with/for you at the store or a restaurant
  • Have the kids help around the house: vacuuming, laundry, dishes, cleaning tables, taking out garbage, feeding pets, etc.
  • Get out and enjoy the outdoors: swimming, biking, running, playing at the park

Enjoy your summer break and I'll see most of you in August! :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Godly Park

What a great day at Godly Park with our friends from the STEPS and PATH program!  The weather was perfect to run around and play!  I think/hope all the kids had a great time and sleep well tonight! :)


This past week the school was all abuzz with baby chicks!  Miss Martis and Mrs. Conrad were kind enough to let us bring the chicks into our class room and "babysit" them last Friday.  The kids enjoyed watching and petting them.

Friday, May 23, 2014

May 26-30

Word of the Week: There

# of the Week: 37

Book: Club Monster

* Please send a snack with your child each day (even on early dismissal days)
* Practice flash cards: Edmark words, personal information, multiplication
* Thursday is our library day, please make sure students have books
* Make sure students are dressed for weather

Upcoming dates:
5/26/14: No School, Memorial Day
5/28/14: TRAILS, STEPS, PATH trip to Godly Park
5/30/14: 5th grade Step-Up Day to the MS
6/2/14: Olympic Day
6/3/14: PBS event, Family Feud, Make Over Day
6/4/14: Last Day of school: Talent Show, 11:35 dismissal

  • Please pay any school fines: books, lunch, $2 for Olympic Day t-shirt, etc.
  • Please check weather for 5/28, 6/2 (dress for weather)
  • For Make Over Day, please send your child with CLEAN hair
  • Remind students that we still have work to complete and they need to be good workers and following directions.

Field Trip

Thursday, May 22nd was our field trip to LaSalle for the Lock 16 Packet boat ride/tour.  We had a beautiful weather day for the trip!  When we got to LaSalle, we learned about the mules who pull the boats.  Then we boarded the boat and took a short trip up the canal and back.  After the boat ride, we took a silhouette tour of important people from the time period.  We ended the day with a picnic lunch and a little run around time.

Enjoy a few pictures from our fun field trip!

Friday, May 16, 2014

May 19-23

Word of the Week: Get

# of the Week: 36

Book: The Day I Needed Help

* Please send a snack with your child each day (even on early dismissal days)
* Practice flash cards: Edmark words, personal information, multiplication
* Thursday is our library day, please make sure students have books
* Make sure students are dressed for weather

Upcoming dates:
5/22/14: 4th grade field trip to LaSalle Canal Boat Trip
5/26/14: No School, Memorial Day
5/28/14: TRAILS, STEPS, PATH trip to Goldy Park
5/30/14: 5th grade Step-Up Day to the MS
6/2/14: Olympic Day
6/3/14: PBS event, Family Feud, Make Over Day
6/4/14: Last Day of school: Talent Show, 11:35 dismissal

  • Please pay any school fines: books, lunch, etc.
  • Please check weather for 5/22, 5/28, 6/2 (dress for weather)
  • For Make Over Day, please send your child with CLEAN hair
  • Remind students that we still have work to complete and they need to be good workers and following directions.

Friday, May 9, 2014

May 12-16

Word of the Week: Pretty

# of the Week: 35

Book: Animals, Animals

* Please send a snack with your child each day (even on early dismissal days)
* Practice flash cards: Edmark words, personal information, multiplication
* Thursday is our library day, please make sure students have books
* Make sure students are dressed for weather

Upcoming dates:
5/22/14: 4th grade field trip (more info to come)
5/30/14: 5th grade Step-Up Day to the MS
5/26/14: No School, Memorial Day
6/4/14: Last Day of school: 11:35 dismissal

As the school year starts to come to a close, please make sure any lunch balance or fines are paid, and library books are returned.

Friday, May 2, 2014

May 5-9

Word of the Week: New

# of the Week: 34

Book: At a Touch Tank

* Please send a snack with your child each day (even on early dismissal days)
* Practice flash cards: Edmark words, personal information, multiplication
* Thursday is our library day, please make sure students have books
* Make sure students are dressed for weather

Upcoming dates:
5/7/14: Early Dismissal
5/9/14: The Talk @ 2:00
5/5-5/9: IS Book Fair (TRAILS goes to the book fair on 5/8, kids may bring money that day)
5/22/14: 4th grade field trip (more info to come)
5/30/14: 5th grade Step-Up Day to the MS
5/26/14: No School, Memorial Day
6/4/14: Last Day of school: 11:35 dismissal

As the school year starts to come to a close, please make sure any lunch balance or fines are paid, and library books are returned.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Guide Dog Day

This week our New-2-You (N2Y) was about Guide Dogs.  Guide Dog Day is April 30th.  We have talked about guide dogs and working dogs in the past, so the kids were able to tell me a lot about what guide dogs do.  Beside reading our N2Y, I found some great videos on YouTube that showed wonderful examples of how a guide dog is trained and what their jobs are when they have an owner who is blind or visually impaired.

I hope you enjoy these videos are much as the kids/I did! :)

Hester A Guide Puppy's Tale

A Guide Dog At Work

Below is a link to the Guide Dogs of America website.  You can find out more information on guide dogs.

Guide Dogs of America