Monday, April 25, 2016

April 25-29

Letter of the Week: Zz

# of week: 27

Stories: Finishing stories
Busy at School
Bats Day and Night

Upcoming dates:
4/27/16: Muffins for Mom slip due
4/29/16: Community trip
5/3/16: Book Fair, kids can bring money to buy a book
5/6/16: Muffins for Mom, 7:30-8:00 am, Olympic Day money ($3) due
5/11/16: 11:35 dismissal
5/23/16: Last day with students

  • The weather is changing, please be sure your child is dressed appropriately
  • Review Edmark Words/Personal info several times a week
  • Read with your child 10-15 minutes
  • Send a snack each day
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Books, Notebooks, Folder, and Completed Homework need to come back EVERY day

Olympic Day is coming in May.  Our class will be tie-dying shirts to wear that day.  I will buy the shirts the kids will need for that day.  Please send $3 to pay me back for buying the shirts.  Please contact me if you have any questions.  Please send money by Friday, May 6, 2016.

Friday, April 15, 2016

April 18-23

Letter of the Week: Zz

# of week: 27

Busy at School
Bats Day and Night

Upcoming dates:
4/20/16: 5th Grade concert @ HS 7:00 (Betty)
4/22/16: CCIS Career Fair and Spelling Bee, Earth Day (green/blue day)
4/27/16: Muffins for Mom slip due
4/29/16: Community trip
5/6/16: Muffins for Mom, 7:30-8:00 am
5/11/16: 11:35 dismissal
5/23/16: Last day with students

  • The weather is changing, please be sure your child is dressed appropriately
  • Review Edmark Words/Personal info several times a week
  • Read with your child 10-15 minutes
  • Send a snack each day
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Books, Notebooks, Folder, and Completed Homework need to come back EVERY day

Olympic Day is coming in May.  Our class will be tie-dying shirts to wear that day.  I will buy the shirts the kids will need for that day.  Please send $3 to pay me back for buying the shirts.  Please contact me if you have any questions.

Welcome Back Monarch Butterflies!!

In the fall, our class read a News-2-You about how Monarch butterflies migrate to Mexico during the winter months and migrate back to the US and Canada during the spring.  I found this article on the Scholastic website and we read about how the Monarchs are on their way back north.  The kids were able to recall the vocab we learned in the fall and were able to tell me why the Monarchs migrate in the fall.  We read that there are triple the amount of Monarchs coming back this spring compared to last spring!  Even though there are more Monarchs, we still need to do more to help them.  I told the students to be on the look-out for Monarchs flying around Coal City!

Monarchs Make a Comeback

Sunday, April 10, 2016

April 11-15

It was a great first week back after spring break.  31 more school days till summer break!  That’s crazy to think about, but let’s have a great last couple weeks and finish up strong! :)

Letter of the Week: Yy

# of week: 26

Stories: Finishing stories
Backyard Camping
Building a Road

Upcoming dates:
4/13/16: 11:35 dismissal
4/14/16: Family Wellness Night @ HS 6:00-8:00
4/22/16: CCIS Career Fair and Spelling Bee, Earth Day (green/blue day)
4/29/16: Community trip: more info to come


  • The weather is changing, please be sure your child is dressed appropriately
  • Review Edmark Words/Personal info several times a week
  • Read with your child 10-15 minutes
  • Send a snack each day
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Books, Notebooks, Folder, and Completed Homework need to come back EVERY day

Wild Friday!

We've been back at CCIS for a week, and what a week we've had!  Glen and his new dog Bear came to school on Monday morning to talk to the students about being safe.  4th grade had their music concert on Wednesday night.  Thursday we went over the the Public Library for a visit with Ms. Rene.  And today (Friday) we had Donuts with Dad before school (what a GREAT turn out), the PARCC assembly, and furry friends in the afternoon!  The rabbits belong to my parents (I used to raise rabbits in 4-H and FFA), and they brought them in to show the kids because we read a Scholastic News about Rabbit Island in Japan.  Mrs. Gernez's class also came in to hang out with the rabbits.
I think what makes CCIS a special place is how we work hard, but play hard too!  I hope the kids had a great first week back and are ready to rock the last few weeks of the school year! :)

Monday, April 4, 2016

April 4-8

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing Easter and Spring Break!  I was able to see some family/friends and get some projects around my house done.  We are in the final stretch of the 2015-2016 school year, so let’s help the students finish up strong!

Letter of the Week: Xx

# of week: 25

Backyard Camping
Building a Road

Upcoming dates:
4/6/16: 4th grade music concert at HS
4/7/16: CC Public Library visit
4/8/16: Donuts with Dad, CCIS 7:30-8:00 am
4/13/16: 11:35 dismissal
4/14/16: Family Wellness Night @ HS 6:00-8:00
4/22/16: CCIS Career Fair and Spelling Bee
4/29/16: Community trip: more info to come


  • The weather is changing, please be sure your child is dressed appropriately
  • Review Edmark Words/Personal info several times a week
  • Read with your child 10-15 minutes
  • Send a snack each day
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Books, Notebooks, Folder, and Completed Homework need to come back EVERY day