Saturday, May 16, 2015

Godley Park

Friday, May 15, 2015 was our annual trip to Godley Park with all three Life Skills classes (TRAILS, STEPS, and PATH) in our district.  Like the past two years, the weather was perfect!  The animals were a big hit again this year.  One woman was kind enough to share some Honey Nut Cheerios with us so we could feed the deer and goats....I will have to remember that for next year!  We also got a surprise visit from the Braidwood Fire Department!!  One of the parents from the STEPS program works at the Braidwood Fire Department, and thought it would be fun to have a truck and ambulance visit our kids.  The kids were a little confused at first, but had a great time exploring the trucks and asking questions!  Thank you to the Braidwood Fire Department for your visit!!

We always have a great time because the kids can run and play with their friends in their class and the other classes.  It's always fun for the teachers to see their former students and to spend some time with the students they will get the next school year.  I hope your children had a great time....and my guess is they slept well Friday night! :)

Friday, May 15, 2015

May 18-22

Last full week of the 2014-2015 school year!!! :)

WOW (word of the week): What

# of week: 31

  • Group 1: I’m Allergic to Peanuts
  • Group 2: Telephone

Upcoming dates:
5/20/15: 5th grade Step-Up day to MS
5/25/15: No School (Memorial Day)
5/27/15: Olympic Day
5/28/15: Last Day of school, 1:25 dismissal

  • Dress for weather
  • Send a snack each day please
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Review Popcorn Words
  • Read with your child or to your child each night: 15 minutes
  • Books, Notebooks, Folder, and Completed Homework need to come back EVERY day

Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 11-15

WOW (word of the week): Ride

# of week: 30

  • Group 1: I Love City Parks
  • Group 2: Toilet

Upcoming dates:
5/13/15: Early dismissal
5/15/15: TRAILS, STEPS, PATH to Godly Park: students need a sack lunch
5/20/15: 5th grade Step-Up day to MS
5/25/15: No School (Memorial Day)
5/27/15: Olympic Day
5/28/15: Last Day of school, 1:25 dismissal

  • Dress for weather
  • Send a snack each day please
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Review Popcorn Words
  • Read with your child or to your child each night: 15 minutes
  • Books, Notebooks, Folder, and Completed Homework need to come back EVERY day

*Students will need a completely disposable sack lunch for our trip to Goldy Park on Friday.  Please contact me if you have any questions.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Last Library visit

Today was our last trip to the Coal City Public Library for the 2014-2015 school year.  It was a BEAUTIFUL day to walk over to the library; so nice in fact, that we read our Mother's Day books outside in the garden.  What a quiet and peaceful area.  After we read our books, the students made a super cute Mother's Day craft.

Our trips to the library this school year were so much fun.  Thank you Ms. Rene Norris!  I can't wait to chat with up to set things up for next school year!

Friday, May 1, 2015

May 4-8

We are in the last month of the 2014-2015 school year...WOW!!!  Please remind your child to continue to make good choices (at home, school, and bus), work hard, and listen to teachers.  We have many fun “end of the year” activities, and I would be very sad to see a student miss out because of poor behavior.

WOW (word of the week): We

# of week: 29

  • Group 1: I Fly Hot-Air Balloons
  • Group 2: Lamp

Upcoming dates:
5/5/15: Cinco de Mayo: wear a sombrero
5/6/15: CCIS Book Fair, students can bring money to buy books
5/8/15: Growing Up video, Scholastic Book Order due
5/13/15: Early dismissal
5/15/15: TRAILS, STEPS, PATH to Godly Park
5/20/15: 5th grade Step-Up day to MS
5/25/15: No School (Memorial Day)
5/27/15: Olympic Day
5/28/15: Last Day of school, 1:25 dismissal

  • Dress for weather
  • Send a snack each day please
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Review Popcorn Words
  • Read with your child or to your child each night: 15 minutes
  • Books, Notebooks, Folder, and Completed Homework need to come back EVERY day

*Reminder: $3 for Olympic day shirts will be due soon.  We tie-dye shirts, and I buy the shirts so everyone has one.  The $3 is the pay me back for buying the white shirts.  If you already paid, thank you!