Friday, March 27, 2015

April 7-10

Coming back after break is going to be a short week, so we will not have a word/number/letter of the week or reading stories.  Please be sure to read with your child each night.

WOW (word of the week):

# of week:

Letter of week:

  • Group 1:
  • Group 2:

Upcoming dates:
4/7/15: Back to school
4/14/15: 4th grade Musical @ HS @ 7:00 (my students participate in this one)
4/15/15: 11:35 dismissal
4/16/15: Family Wellness Night @ HS from 6:00-8:00

  • Students need to bring a snack each day.
  • Still cool: hats, gloves, coat
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Review Popcorn words each night
  • Read with your child or to your child each night: 15 minutes
  • Books, Notebooks, Folder, and Completed Homework need to come back EVERY day

*My state testing window is from March 16-May 8.  Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades will be tested.  Please make sure students get plenty of sleep, and eat a good breakfast.

Spring Break

I hope everyone has a nice relaxing Spring Break and a Happy Easter!  School resumes on April 7th.  See you in April! :)

Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23-27

It doesn't feel very Spring like out today, but I'm glad Spring is finally here!  This is our last week before Spring Break.  I hope everyone has a nice relaxing and healthy break!  School resumes April 7, 2015.

WOW (word of the week): My

# of week: 24

Letter of week: Ww

  • Group 1: Flying Kites
  • Group 2: Purple

Upcoming dates:
3/25/15: Cancer t-shirt orders due
3/27/15: Hawaiian Day
3/30/15-4/6/15: Spring Break, return on 4/7/15
4/14/15: 4th grade Musical @ HS @ 7:00 (dress nicely)
4/16/15: Family Wellness Night @ HS from 6:00-8:00

  • Students need to bring a snack each day.
  • Still cool: hats, gloves, coat
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Review Popcorn words each night
  • Read with your child or to your child each night: 15 minutes
  • Books, Notebooks, Folder, and Completed Homework need to come back EVERY day

*My state testing window is from March 16-May 8.  Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades will be tested.  Please make sure students get plenty of sleep, and eat a good breakfast.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Beauty and The Beast

Yesterday (3/12/15) the TRAILS class took a trip over to CCHS to watch the first act of Beauty and The Beast.  What a great show!  Wonderful job done by all: actors, musicians, stage crew, lights/sound, and the directors!!  I hope everyone is able to go see a performance this won't be disappointed! :)

Ticket info:
Beauty and The Beast

Today (3/13/15) the students earned a movie they had been working towards.  They had a choice between Winter's End (the third Sarah Plain and Tall movie) or Beauty and The Beast....Beauty and The Beast won! :)

March 16-20

WOW (word of the week): Not

# of week: 23

Letter of week: Ww

  • Group 1: Fishing in the Rain
  • Group 2: Purple

Upcoming dates:
3/17/15: Wear Green
3/27/15: Hawaiian Day
3/30/15-4/6/15: Spring Break, return on 4/7/15
4/14/15: 4th grade Musical @ HS @ 7:00 (my students participate in this one)
4/16/15: Family Wellness Night @ HS from 6:00-8:00

  • Students need to bring a snack each day.
  • Still cool: hats, gloves, coat
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Review Popcorn words each night
  • Read with your child or to your child each night: 15 minutes
  • Books, Notebooks, Folder, and Completed Homework need to come back EVERY day

*This past week and next week the gen ed students are taking their state test.  My testing window is from March 16-May 8.  Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades will be tested.  Please make sure students get plenty of sleep, and eat a good breakfast.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Extreme Animals

Extreme Animals is one of our reading stories this week.  It's a cool book that gives facts about extreme animals: loudest, slowest, ocean animals, reptiles, etc.  Along with the book, we have some question cards that help the students to think harder about the story and answer higher level questions.  One of the question cards was the find similarities and differences between a Blue Whale and a Giraffe.  I was very impressed with the answers the kids came up with!

Friday, March 6, 2015

March 9-13

Yahoo….looks like warmer weather is on the way...and let’s hope it sticks around, and this cold business is behind us! :)

WOW (word of the week): Can

# of week: 22

Letter of week: Vv

  • Group 1: Extreme Animals
  • Group 2: Orange

Upcoming dates:
3/11/15: Early Dismissal
3/12/15: Community: Beauty and the Beast @ HS, lunch
3/13/15: Rainbow Day (Spring Colors), Scholastic Book order due
3/17/15: Wear Green
3/27/15: Hawaiian Day


  • Students need to bring a snack each day.
  • Still very cold: hats, gloves, boots, warm coat
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Review Popcorn words each night
  • Read with your child or to your child each night: 15 minutes
  • Books, Notebooks, Folder, and Completed Homework need to come back EVERY day

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Library Visit

Today was another wonderful visit with Ms. Rene from the Coal City Public Library.  Due to the cold temps, Ms. Rene braved the cold and come over to us.  To celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday on March 2, we read different Dr. Seuss books and played 2 games.  I enjoyed the books because they were Dr. Seuss books I had never read before.

We are looking forward to our April visit and hoping the weather will be nice enough to let us go back to the library.