Thursday, December 18, 2014

TRAILS and STEPS fun day!

Today (12/18/14) we traveled over to the MS to visit our friends in the STEPS program.  We had a great afternoon of movie watching and snacking.  This morning, the students in the TRAILS program made "Reindeer Chow" to bring to our little party.  The kids has a great time visiting with their friends and I loved seeing my "old dogs" in the STEPS program!

Here is the Reindeer Chow recipe:
Reindeer Chow

Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 15-19

We are in the final stretch before Christmas crazy is that?!?  This will be a busy/exciting week, so please remind your child that we need good workers this week, so we can have fun at our party on Friday! :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday with family and friends!  Happy New Year as well!  See you all in 2015!!!

WOW (word of the week): And

# of week: 15

Letter of week: Oo

Stories: What Comes From Plants
 Animal books review/test

Upcoming dates:
12/18/14: Christmas movie @ MS with STEPS
12/19/14: Christmas Hat Day, Christmas Party Day
1/8/15: Annual Review Day

  • Dress properly for cooler weather: hats/gloves/warm coats
  • Please review the district's policy on illness.  If your child is sick or not feeling well, please keep them home.

  • Review math/reading flash cards
  • Send a snack with your child daily
  • Make sure hw, books, and notebooks come back to school each day
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Give your child jobs to do at home

Mall Trip

Our mall trip last Friday was excellent!  The mall was busy with holiday shoppers and a new store opening.  We got all of our shopping done and had a nice visit with Santa Claus.  It was great to see our friends from the STEPS and PATH programs as well!

Friday, December 5, 2014

December 8-12

The kids had a great week last week! This time of year can be very difficult because the kids are so excited for Christmas and break. Simon (classroom Elf) brought the class a new story Friday because they have been working so hard. Tell your kids to keep up the good work! :)

WOW (word of the week): That

# of week: 14

Letter of week: Nn

Stories: The Story of the Statue
  Animal books review/test

Upcoming dates:
12/12/14: Casual Day, Louis-Joliet Mall Trip
12/18/14: Christmas movie @ MS with STEPS
12/19/14: Christmas Hat Day, Christmas Party Day

  • Students need to have: hats/gloves/warm coats
  • Review math/reading flash cards
  • Send a snack with your child daily
  • Make sure hw, books, and notebooks come back to school each day
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Give your child jobs to do at home

* For the mall trip on 12/12/14, students will need money for lunch or a completely disposable lunch.  Students can bring money and their shopping list to buy gifts for 2-3 people.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Flat Stanley

This school year, we have been reading and learning about Flat Stanley and all his different adventures.  At the end of last school year, I made a Flat Stanley for my brother-in-law, who is a Chemistry Professor at The University of Iowa.  At least once a year, my brother-in-law (Scott) goes out to Stanford University in CA to do research.  When he went to Stanford this past summer, he took his Flat Stanley with him and taught him all about Chemistry and the equipment/machines his team uses for their research.

Here is the link to the Daly Research Group website (look under the Outreach heading).  You can see Stanley's Chemistry adventures!!

Daly Research Group