We are in the final stretch before Christmas break...how crazy is that?!? This will be a busy/exciting week, so please remind your child that we need good workers this week, so we can have fun at our party on Friday! :)
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday with family and friends! Happy New Year as well! See you all in 2015!!!
WOW (word of the week): And
# of week: 15
Letter of week: Oo
Stories: What Comes From Plants
Animal books review/test
Upcoming dates:
12/18/14: Christmas movie @ MS with STEPS
12/19/14: Christmas Hat Day, Christmas Party Day
1/8/15: Annual Review Day
Dress properly for cooler weather: hats/gloves/warm coats
Please review the district's policy on illness. If your child is sick or not feeling well, please keep them home.
Review math/reading flash cards
Send a snack with your child daily
Make sure hw, books, and notebooks come back to school each day
Tuesday is Library day
Give your child jobs to do at home