Friday, September 26, 2014

September 20-October 3

Another busy week done at CCIS! The students have been such Rock Stars....Keep it Up!! :)

Word of Week (WOW): in
# of Week: 6
Letter of Week: F
Books: Being Bilingual

Upcoming dates:
10/2/14: CC Public Library visit
10/3/14: Chicago Day
10/6/14: Fire Trucks @ CCIS
10/7/14: Fire Prevention Assembly
10/10/14: Wear Pink, Book orders due
  • As the weather gets cooler, please make sure your child is dressed properly
  • Please review the district's policy on sickness.  If your child is sick or not feeling well, please keep them home.
  • Review flash cards
  • Make sure hw, books, and notebooks come back to school each day
  • Practice skip counting by 2’s (for the students this applies to)
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Give your child jobs to do at home:
feeding pet
making bed
helping with laundry
helping wash dishes/putting clean dishes away
picking up toys
packing book bag
putting clean dishes away
putting clean laundry away
make beds

Friday, September 19, 2014


Today was one of our friend's last day at CCIS.  He will be going to a new school in Minooka.  We will miss him, but know he will be a Rock Star at his new school! :)

September 22-26

Word of Week (WOW): What
# of Week: 5
Letter of Week: E
Books: Animal Skeletons
  Animal Friends

Upcoming dates:
9/26/14: PJ day
10/2/14: CC Public Library visit
  • Review flash cards
  • Make sure homework, books, and notebooks come back to school each day
  • Practice skip counting by 2’s (for the students this applies to)
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Give your child jobs to do at home:
feeding pet
making bed
helping with laundry
helping wash dishes/putting clean dishes away
picking up toys
packing book bag
putting clean dishes away
putting clean laundry away
make beds

New News:
My students have taken over the task of sorting and delivering the weekly CCIS newsletter! Today was our first day and they did a great job!  I feel this will be a great job for the students each week!

The kids had a great time at Berkots this past Thursday!  They were wonderful little shoppers and go everything we needed for our “good-bye” party on Friday and for upcoming cooking days! :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Expected and Unexpected Behavior

One of the next steps in our new Social Thinking curriculum is talking about Expected and Unexpected Behaviors.

Expected behaviors make others feel good about you.
Unexpected behaviors make others uncomfortable towards you.

Today (9/17/14) the students made a poster showing Expected and Unexpected Behaviors.

Friday, September 12, 2014

September 15-19

Word of Week (WOW): They
# of Week: 4
Letter of Week: D
Books: Goats Are Great!
  At the Zoo

Upcoming dates:
9/10/14: 11:35 dismissal
9/19/14: IS Picture Day and Tech day
9/26/14: PJ day
  • Review flash cards
  • Practice skip counting by 2’s (for the students this applies to)
  • Tuesday is Library day
  • Please send a snack with your child each day
  • Give your child jobs to do at home:
feeding pet
making bed
helping with laundry
helping wash dishes/putting clean dishes away
picking up toys
packing book bag
putting clean dishes away
putting clean laundry away
make beds


Friday, September 5, 2014

September 8-12

Word of Week (WOW): Am
# of Week: 3
Letter of Week: C
Books: Friends Around The World
 The Little Toys

Upcoming dates:
9/10/14: 11:35 dismissal
9/19/14: IS Picture Day
  • Review flash cards several times a week
  • Library day is Tuesday
  • Please send a snack with your child each day
  • Give your child jobs to do at home:
feeding pet
making bed
helping with laundry
helping wash dishes/putting clean dishes away
picking up toys
packing book bag
