Friday, August 29, 2014

September 1-5

Have a nice looong weekend! :)
Word of Week (WOW): it
# of Week: 2
Letter of Week: B
Books: Am I?
  Earth’s Water

Upcoming dates:
9/10/14: 11:35 dismissal
9/19/14: IS Picture Day
  • Review flash cards 4 times a week (the kids get tested on these)
  • Tuesday is Library Day, please send books back each week
  • Send a snack with your child everyday
  • Notebook/folder come back everyday
  • Give your child jobs to do at home:
feeding pet
making bed
helping with laundry
helping wash dishes/putting clean dishes away
picking up toys
packing book bag

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Moster Listening

I have a Monster theme in my classroom this year and it seemed fitting that I had a Monster listening page for the kids.  The students had to listen to my oral directions and created a monster from those directions.  I love that everyone heard the same directions, but everyone's monster turned out differently!

The listening ties right in with our Whole Body Listening we have been learning this weekend.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Social Thinking Curriculum

This school year, we have started a Social Thinking Group using the Social Thinking Curriculum.  Mrs. Patten (speech path), Miss Marketti (social worker), and myself will be the implementers of this curriculum.  We started our Social Thinking Group today by reading about Whole Body Listening.  The kids learned what whole body listening is, why we use it, and why it is important.  We will be using terminology from this curriculum during the day to help the students learn and retain the information.  Below you will find a picture of a poster I have in my classroom about whole body listening.  Ask your child about being a whole body listener!

Friday, August 22, 2014

August 25-29

Week of August 25-29
Word of Week (WOW): As
# of Week: 1
Letter of Week: A
Books: (your child will only have 1 book)
Who Am I?
Cool as a Cuke
Upcoming dates:
9/1/14: No School, Labor Day
9/10/14: 11:35 dismissal
9/19/14: IS Picture Day
  • Review flash cards 4 times a week (the kids get tested on these)
  • Tuesday is Library Day, please send books back each week
  • Send a snack with your child everyday
  • Notebook/folder come back everyday
  • Give your child jobs to do at home:
feeding pet
making bed
helping with laundry
helping wash dishes/putting clean dishes away
picking up toys
packing book bag

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Open House

CCIS Open House is Thursday, August 21st from 6:00-7:30.  Please come visit the school and classroom, then enjoy some cookies in the cafeteria!!

Here is a little project the kids worked on this week.  The kids are rockin' in their school shoes! :)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Welcome Back

Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year!  That was one fast summer, but I'm happy to be back at school with the kids for a new year of learning and fun!

Please check my blog weekly for information about the class.  At the start of each week I will post the info for the week (number of the week, word of the week, story, upcoming dates, etc.).  You will also find pictures of different activities in our classroom.

I have a new behavior system this school year.  I have gone to a 3 level system.  Students earn pennies for following our classroom rules.  At the end of the day, the students count the pennies to see how many they have.
1-30 pennies is Level 1 (yellow)
31-60 pennies is Level 2 (green)
61-100 pennies is Level 3 (purple)

Each level will have 3-4 different rewards the students can earn.  If a student is at Level 1, they can only earn a Level 1 reward.  If a student is at Level 2, they can pick from Level 1 or 2 rewards.  If a student is at Level 3, they can pick from Level 1, 2, or 3.  The students will put their color in their notebook at the end of the day so you can see what level they were on.  We started this today, and the kids really seemed to like it!  This kind of behavior plan is all about encouraging positive behavior.

This Thursday (8/21) is Open House at CCIS from 6:00-7:30.  Please come visit the classroom and have your child take you on a tour of the school.  If you need help setting up Remind 101, I will be happy to help you that night.  Hope to see everyone Thursday!

The start of school is always a big transition, so please make sure your child gets plenty of sleep and eats breakfast before school.  Remember to send student's notebook and folder to school each day.

We are off to a great start in the TRAILS program!  :)