Friday, January 31, 2014

February 3-7

Word of the Week: It

Letter of the Week: W

# of the Week: 22

Book: The Food We Eat

* Practice Edmark/personal info cards 2-3 times a week
* Give your child 2-3 weekly house chores: putting toys away, helping with laundry, putting dishes away, helping take out trash, etc.
* On early dismissal days, please send a snack (we still have a snack time)
* Students MUST have snowpants, snow boots, coat, gloves, and hat to play in the snow.

Upcoming dates:
2/4/14: 100th Day, PJ Day
2/5/14: Early dismissal
2/7/14: Nerd Day
2/11/14: Book Fair day (students can bring $ to buy)
2/13/14: 11:35 dismissal, PT conf
2/14/14: No school: PT conf
2/17/14: No school: President’s Day

Library: Thursday mornings
New PE time starts on 2/4
Miss Vahle gone @ conference on 2/12/14

Monday, January 13, 2014

Happy New Year!!  Welcome to the 2014 part of the school year!  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and break!

Today, Staley Da Bear from the Chicago Bears came to school to talk about bullying.  It was a great assembly and the students had a great time!